Endorsing tips for Support Coordinators

Endorsing tips for Support Coordinators

An important reminder to all Service Providers who offer group-based supports about an update to the pricing arrangements as of January 1st, 2024. The update is only for providers who deliver group-based social and community participation supports as core supports.  ...
Endorsing tips for participants

Endorsing tips for participants

An important reminder to all Service Providers who offer group-based supports about an update to the pricing arrangements as of January 1st, 2024. The update is only for providers who deliver group-based social and community participation supports as core supports.  ...
How to get paid faster

How to get paid faster

Tips, Tricks & Essentials No matter if you’re a large provider or a sole trader, getting paid for your services in a timely manner matters, and we hear you! Here’s a handy list of things to include on your invoice to speed up the processs What to include on...
Choice & Control: Case Study

Choice & Control: Case Study

MAY 2022 What is and isn’t funded from the different types of budgets in an NDIS plan can sometimes be confusing. Plan Management is under a budget called CHOICE & CONTROL and that’s exactly what we support our customers to have – their choice and the control over...
What Can I Claim For From My Budgets?

What Can I Claim For From My Budgets?

There are 3 types of budgets in an NDIS Plan – your plan may include one, two or all three kinds. See below to find out what you can spend the different budget funds on: 1 Core – This budget is the most flexible, and in most cases (not all), you can use your...
Let’s have less Stress this holiday season

Let’s have less Stress this holiday season

It’s only a few more sleeps until Christmas which might make some people feel excited (to see friends and family), happy (to get a few days off), relieved (to have made it!), or it might be a time that’s stressful for all kinds of reasons, including Covid. For some...