Welcome to Winter in Victoria! The school holidays are fast approaching (again!) and we’ve shared some fun activities for the kids across Melbourne, Bendigo and Geelong regions.

Some of these activities are free, some have an entry or registration fee, and some are for a few hours or a whole day. Click the links to find out more.

Melbourne: Come and say hi to the Plan Tracker team at the Source Kids Expo – Friday 5 and Saturday 6 July at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Free entry but you need to register! Take a look at ‘The World is Lava – Please Calm Down’ for 5 – 7 year olds from July 4th – 7th or take a look at What’s On at the NGV and some other great programs here!

Bendigo: The library has some fun activities and there’s always something to do at the many playgrounds! And for some great day activities, take a look at the school holiday program by Iron Hill Disability Activity Farm

Geelong: Our friends at Leisure Networks have a great school holiday program including movies, community craft, ice skating, a trip to Scienceworks, Collingwood Children’s Farm or Legoland, cooking and lots more! 

Geelong Library has some great events and Geelong Gallery offers ‘relaxed visits’ every Saturday and Sunday from 9.00am to 10.00am until Sunday 28 July 2024. And take a look at the school holiday program at Geelong YMCA.  

Stay safe and enjoy the holidays!